OmniSci Selected as a Finalist in the AFWERX Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) Challenge

- What: AFWERX Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) Challenge: The Challenge aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the US and its Allies' integrated operations in the areas of air, space, land, sea, cyber and the electromagnetic spectrum by investing in solutions that will enable seamless Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).
- Who: Ray Falcione, OmniSci VP of Federal Business; Adam Edelman, OmniSci Federal Solutions
- When: The finalists will present their solutions during the Challenge showcase on July 23-24, 2019
- Where: Las Vegas (
Innovative solutions uncovered in the AFWERX Challenge should provide ways for data to be available to all relevant users and turned into coordinated action in a timely manner. Over 300 applicants sent in their proposals, of which 100 were selected to move on to the Challenger Showcase. OmniSci’s proposal “Harnessing GPUs for Next Generation Analytics and Visualization,” which highlighted how the OmniSci GPU-accelerated analytics platform can improve the effectiveness of the US Airforce and other agencies, was selected to move forward.
OmniSci is purpose-built to leverage supercomputer-grade graphics processing units (GPUs) to deliver a GPU-based analytics platform that can execute queries over billions of rows, and render the results in milliseconds. OmniSci, an In-Q-Tel portfolio company, has a Certificate to Field (CTF) and can be found on the Air Force Approved Products List. As a participant in the Showcase Challenge, OmniSci will demo the platform in Las Vegas at the AFWERX Fusion Xperience event.